Coleccion camaras antiguas, antique cameras: Reid I, 1958
Una joya de mi colección, es una “Leica britanica” y se fabricaron en su mayoría para uso militar.
Esta cámara fue producida por poco tiempo después de la II Guerra Mundial y aproximadamente se fabricaron 500 unidades (Reid I). Según registros de la marca, los números de serie empezaban en P3XXX… la mía es la No. 124
From Camerapedia: Reid I, 1958
Reid & Sigrist were a British manufacturer who made Leica-style cameras during 1950s and early 1960s. After World War II the British took plans for camera design from the E. Leitz factory in Germany. Reid and Sigrist, who were an engineering company and had made aeroplane parts during the war, took on manufacture of a camera based on these plans. They produced the Reid III camera, which was a copy of the Leica IIIb. A Reid I and Reid II were also made, being simplified versions of the III
Daniel Chang – Fotografía Profesional Guatemala
Camera collection, coleccion camaras, camera porn, Reid I, Leica style camera, post war camera, 35 mm, film camera